Request History
The request history shows all the times you've used Friender to send friend requests, the settings that you used, and the results from that run.
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The request history shows all the times you've used Friender to send friend requests, the settings that you used, and the results from that run.
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At the top of the page you'll see how many times you've ran friender to send friend requests, how many total profiles it's viewed, and from those how many friend requests it's sent for you, and also an estimated time that friender saved you by looking through profiles and sending friend requests for you automatically.
On the request history page you'll see the history of all the times you've used friender to send friend requests along with the settings you used and the results friender got you (profiles viewed and friend request sent, as well as how long it was running for that time).
You can click on the + icon to see what settings you used.
You can also click on the toggle button to use those same settings as the default settings when using friender to add friends, at the time of running friender you can change those settings as you wish, but the default settings friender will start with will come from whichever "friender run" that has the toggle button turned on. Only one can be turned on at a time.